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setup iPhone Mail

  1. Tap the Mail icon to start and select “Exchange” at the first screen: 
    *Note* You can also get to this screen by going to Settings > Passwords & Accounts > Add Account. 

  1. In the e-mail field enter your “” (e.g., then tap “Next” at the top right and “Sign In” at the prompt:   

  1. Finally, enter the password for your main Conti Solar account (the same password you use to log on to your computer), Sign in” and tap “Save at the last screen. 

Note:  Your phone will initially be blocked from e-mail until the new device is approved by IT. 

You can download and use the Outlook app instead of the Apple Mail app, however this app has a separate calendar.  Apple Mail will utilize the Apple Calendar app. 

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  • 01-Dec-2020